Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

The use of new papilledema grading and scoring system in dose calculation of acetazolamide in cases of pseudotumor cerebri

International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Optometrists Meeting

August 04-05, 2016 Manchester, UK

Sherif Amer

Neuro-Ophthalmologist, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Purpose: The aim of this work is to determine the effective dose of acetazolamide on visual recovery in cases of pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) in initial presentation and follow up using a new papilledema grading and scoring system. Subjects & Methods: Cases on medical therapy of papilledema referred for neuro-ophthalmic consultation were included in the study. Newly presenting cases were categorized as group 1 and follow up cases were included in group 2. Fifty seven cases of papilledema were included in the study. Group 1 included 23 cases of newly diagnosed as PTC while group 2 included 34 follow up cases under variable doses of acetazolamide. The study included 4 males and 53 females. Age ranges from 12 years to 52 years of age. Follow up ranged from 6 to 32 months. Results: Papilledema grading and scoring system was used in the initial dose calculation and dose modification in the 2 groups of patients. Dose calculation and modification was successful in stabilization of visual deterioration in 51 cases with only 6 cases referred for surgery. Two cases had optic nerve sheath decompression while 2 cases had lumboperitoneal shunts with another 2 cases having both surgery performed at different occasions. Conclusion: New papilledema grading and scoring system provides an effective, reliable, and reproducible method in dose calculation of acetazolamide in both new and follow up presentations. A proper dose calculation is a safeguard against progressive irreversible visual in PTC patients.

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