Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Open Access

ISSN: 0974-276X

The value of the serum antibodies detection for the diagnosis of human hydatidosis

3rd International Conference on Antibodies, Bio Therapeutics & B2B & Genetic and Protein Engineering

November 08-09, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA

L M Junie and Stanca Pandrea

Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform

Abstract :

The human Echinococcosis is still a serious problem for the public health problem in Romania, despite the measures taken for the prophylaxis of the disease. The modern management of hydatidosis needs the contribution of all diagnosis and therapeutic procedures. The prophylaxis of hydatidosis is important and has to be done by the intensification of the mass popularisation over the contamination ways and the severe consequences of this disease named also â??white cancerâ?.Were assessed 60 patients hospitalized in 2 hospitals, for surgical treatment. We have used the serology for the confirmation of pseudotumoral aspects that are ecographic suggestive of being hydatic cyst in 44 of the patients with clinic and ecographic diagnosis of hydatic cyst. We have used the ELISA method, for the detection of anti Echinococcus granulosus IgG class serum antibodies. The diagnosis of hydatidosis was established by echography (78.3%), echography & clinic exam (16,7%), CT & echography (3,3%), only by computerised tomography (1,7%), being confirmed during surgery. We remark that most of the hydatic cyst were found by echograph . From all the patients with clinic and echographic diagnosis of hydatic cyst, confirmed by surgery, 81% had positive, and 19% negative serology. The results prove that the echography represents an important method in finding the hydatic cyst and the serologic exams permit an active detection of hydatic cyst in early stages, non-detectable by imagistic exams. There is an urge for the early diagnosis of the infected patients, by the development of the screening methods and a close collaboration among clinicians and laboratory doctors in order to correctly diagnose of hydatidosis.

Biography :

Lia Monica Junie is the Head of the Department, also coordinating the activities of both Laboratory Medicine specialty resident doctors and PhD doctor’s thesis in the medicine field. She is a Member in the Board of Scientific Societies, Reviewer in many peer-reviewed journals, Expert of the Ministry of Education and Research and Evaluator. She has coordinated research projects, published books and more than 200 scientific articles in prestigious journals. She has organized and attended numerous national, international congresses, as President, Member in the Organizing Committees, Invited speaker, Keynote speaker or Chairperson.
