Journal of Probiotics & Health

Journal of Probiotics & Health
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8901

Three-layered seamless capsules to encapsulate live probiotics

Joint Event on International Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics & 2nd Annual Conference on Microbes and Beneficial Microbes

October 31- November 01, 2018 | San Francisco, USA

Raymond Christinson

Fuji Capsule Co., Ltd, Japan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Prob Health

Abstract :

Fuji Capsule uses seamless encapsulation technology to encapsulate live Bifidobacterium. The basic manufacturing principle of seamless-type capsules is to cut a flow of double-layered liquid (outer: film liquid, inner: content liquid) at certain intervals. This results in the film liquid encasing the content liquid and formation of spherical capsules. The "Three-Layered Seamless Live Bacteria Capsule" is a new technology that combines lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other bacteria. Its characteristic is the fact that it has added a three-layer structure to the base of the Enteric Soft Capsule technology. For products that contain bifidobacteria, the core layer containing bifidobacteria (live bacteria) is wrapped by an intermediate layer and enteric membrane layer, resulting in a design that allows the live bacteria to be delivered to the intestines. Further, active components are protected from moisture, heat and light through the three-layer structure. Additionally, it also has the characteristics of (1) protecting unstable components, (2) trapping powder components inside the capsule, (3) enabling watersoluble components to be included and (4) regulating dispersal.

Biography :

Raymond Christinson has been working as International Business Development Manager for Fuji Capsule for the past 8 years.


