Current Synthetic and Systems Biology

Current Synthetic and Systems Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0737


Thymoquinone exhibit anti-tumor effect and attenuates bone metastasis of triple negative breast cancer cells through the suppression of SDF1/CXCR4 chemokine signaling axis

4th World Conference on Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering

November 09-10, 2017 Singapore

Muthu K Shanmugam, Annie Hsu, Gautam Sethi and Benny K H Tan

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Curr Synthetic Sys Biol

Abstract :

Several lines of evidences indicate that CXCR4 overexpression has been correlated with distant site metastasis and poor overall survival rate in patient with breast cancer. The tumor metastasis promoting molecule CXCR4 is considered as a potential therapeutic target for inhibiting breast cancer metastasis. Thus, novel agents that can downregulate CXCR4 expression have potential against breast cancer metastasis. In the present report, we have investigated the effect of thymoquinone (TQ), derived from the seeds of medicinal plant Nigella sativa, on the expression and regulation of CXCR4 in breast cancer cells. In addition, we have evaluated the effect of TQ in a metastasis mouse model established by intracardiac injection of luciferase-tagged MDAMB-231 breast cancer cells that metastasize to the bones. We observed that TQ could inhibit the expression of CXCR4 in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells in a dose and time dependent manner. TQ (2 mg/kg or 4 mg/kg) treatment for four weeks significantly inhibited tumor growth and significantly reduced metastases to multiple vital organs, including lungs, brain and bone. Immuno-histochemical analysis of the lung and brain tissue showed significant reduction in the expression of CXCR4, Ki67, MMP9, VEGFR2 and COX2 compared to tissues from control mice. TQ treatment also reduced the overall bone tumor burden. Overall, our results show that TQ exerts its antitumor and anti-metastatic effects by down-regulation of CXCR4 expression both in vitro and in vivo thus may have possible potential for the treatment of breast cancer. Recent Publications 1. Zhang J, Ahn K S, Kim C, Shanmugam M K, Siveen K S, Arfuso F, Samy R P, Deivasigamani A, Lim L H, Wang L, Goh B C, Kumar A P, Hui K M, Sethi G (2016) Nimbolide-induced oxidative stress abrogates STAT3 signaling cascade and inhibits tumor growth in transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate model. Antioxid Redox Signal; 24(11): 575-89. (IF:7.4). 2. Jia L Y, Shanmugam M K, Sethi G, Bishayee A (2016) Potential role of targeted therapies in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. Anticancer Drugs; 27(3): 147-55.

Biography :

Muthu K Shanmugam is presently a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Pharmacology, National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He got his PhD in Cancer Pharmacology and has 12 years of experience in experimental laboratory research and have published in journal papers and presented at international conferences. He has vast experience in cancer biology, inflammatory diseases, orthotopic, xenograft and transgenic mice models, in molecular biology, cell and tissue culture experiments. In addition, he is trained in high-throughput technology such as cDNA microarray technology, antigen and antibody array technology, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, pharmacokinetics and in the development of array based clinical diagnostic tools.
