Annals and Essences of Dentistry

Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Open Access

ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X

Tinnitus in geriatric a worrisome but manageable problem my experience

Joint Webinar: 11th World Summit on Dentistry and Oral Health & 18th International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology: ENT Surgery

November 16, 2022 | Webinar

Sambhaji Chintale

Cosmo ENT Hospital and Research Center, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Ann Essence Dent

Abstract :

Tinnitus is very common presenting symptoms in old age , we experiences lots of cases of tinnitus in older age group there are different cause to it, but we have to evaluate it in systemic way here we are giving our experience of 50 cases of geriatrics with tinnitus We managed with all our possible treatment and few with counseling . It’s very troublesome problem in geriatrics people one must keep focused approach towards tinnitus and give proper treatment to the patient for their healthy life style in this age group of 60yr and more age groups.

Biography :

Sambhaji Chintale is a director of Cosmo ENT Hospital and Research Center, India. He published more than 40 research article for national and international journals. His areas of Interest Thyroid disease management and surgery, Microscopic and endoscopic Ear surgery, Endoscopic sinus surgery.
