Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

To assess the knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers towards neonate care

4th World Congress on Midwifery and Womens Health

July 20-22, 2017 Melbourne, Australia

Rekha S G

State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women's Health Care

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: The transition to parenthood has been reported consistently as a stressful time. Research and parent education programs focus on the mother-child relationship and often fail include the father. Many studies showed that mothers expect great psychological and physical support from her spouse. Clear cut maternal and paternal roles no longer exist and fathers are expected to assume some traditional mothering tasks. During the past two decades, literature addressing the importance of the father��?s role in child development. Researcher felt the need to assess the knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers towards neonate care. Purpose: To determine the knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers towards neonate care and to find out the association between the knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers and selected variables. Methodology: The research approach used in this study was survey approach with the descriptive design. 100 subjects were randomly selected from the population as samples by using purposive sampling in selected hospitals at Mangalore. Assessment of knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers was done by using self-administered closed ended structured knowledge questionnaire and five-point attitude scale. The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Learning package was prepared based on study findings and it was validated by experts and then it was posted to the first-time fathers who had low knowledge score. Findings: The findings revealed the mean knowledge scores in the area (79%) on the introduction and meaning of neonate care of 71% on safety and comfort. Good knowledge in 65.33% on regular follow-up, average knowledge in 50% on the sleep and rest of neonate and 41.30% on hygiene. Their knowledge is poor on care of minor illness of 39.75%, general considerations 33.42%, feeding 30.46% and developmental milestones 20.60%. The area-wise mean attitude score, in the area thinking 80.57%, belief 75.00% and practice 74.92% of neonate care. There was significant correlation (r=0.543, P<0.05) between knowledge and attitude of first-time fathers towards neonate care. Conclusion & Significance: Study revealed that about three fourth of first-time fathers were lacking in knowledge regarding neonate care and more than three fourth of first time fathers were having positive attitude towards neonate care and also shown that they were interested in neonate care activity but expressed lack of knowledge. Hence the learning package was prepared on the areas of the sleep and rest, hygiene, care of minor illness, feeding practice, developmental milestones and general considerations in neonate care and administered.

Biography :

Rekha S G has experience in clinical, teaching, research field and public health field. Her passion being patient care, research and teaching, she looks forward for upgrading her level of knowledge to uplift the nursing standards to the highest.

