Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases

Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8790

+44 1478 350008

T-patterns and self-similarity from protein to the cell to human mass-societies

Joint Event on 12th International Conference on Hematology and Hematological Oncology & 6th International Conference on HIV/AIDS, STDs and STIs

October 29-30, 2018 | San Francisco, USA

Magnus S Magnusson

University of Iceland, Iceland

Keynote: J Hematol Thrombo Dis

Abstract :

Beginning in the early 1970�??s, this longstanding primarily ethological (i.e., biology of behavior) project concerning social interaction and organization in social insects and primates including humans, was initially inspired mainly by the work of N. Tinbergen, who with K. Lorenz and von Frisch shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1973 for �??for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns". Lorenz�?? Nobel lecture was entitled �??Analogy as a source of knowledge�?�. The smallest creatures they studied were social insects and there was no mentioning of selfsimilarity or any nanoscale actors nor of Cell Societies (better-named protein societies) where behavioral and organizational analogies now appear across more than 10 orders of magnitude in size and billions of years of evolution from the RNA world to protein societies (Cell Cities) to the very recent human mass-societies. The present project has focused on behavioral realtime pattern definitions and their validation through corresponding detection algorithms and software THEMETM (see hbl. and and has resulted in the self-similar fractal-like T-pattern recurring with statistically significant translational symmetry. Detection in animal and human interactions and later in brain cell interactions has followed showing T-patterned self-similarity of interaction between and within brains (Magnusson et al., 2016; Casarrubea, 2015) as well as in DNA. Moreover, T-pattern based self-similarity appears in social behavior and organization from �??Cell City�?� (protein cities) to the only large-brain mass-societies appearing in a biological eye-blink; those of modern humans. Absent from the masssocieties of insects (hives) and cells (animal bodies), long T-patterned strings external to and more durable than the citizens, are essential in protein and human mass-societies. That is, strings of molecules in protein cities, but of letters in human cites after the gradual but fundamental invention of writing and standardized and massively copied, distributed, promoted and enforced letter strings (texts) called legal or holy and finally allowing the development of modern science and technology and mass-societies. Human and protein citizens formed with external T-patterned strings are now known to do string controlled social work in complex societies. Such self-similarity from nano to human mass-social scales providing possibilities of deeper understanding at all levels.

Biography :

Magnus S Magnusson, Research Professor, University of Iceland. He did PhD in 1983, University of Copenhagen. He is the author of the T-pattern model regarding the real-time organization of behavior, co-directed a DNA analysis. Numerous papers, talks and keynotes at international mathematical, neuroscience, proteomics, bioinformatics, religion and nanoscience conferences. Deputy Director 1983-1988 in the Museum of Mankind, Paris. Invited Professor in psychology and biology of behavior at the University of Paris (V, VIII, XIII). Since 1991, founder and director of the Human Behavior Laboratory in formalized collaboration with 32 European and American universities based on “Magnusson’s analytical model” initiated at University Paris V, Sorbonne, in 1995.


