Virology & Mycology

Virology & Mycology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0517

Traditional treatment of flu in West Africa (Guinea -Conakry)

International Conference on Flu

June 08-10, 2015 Chicago, USA

Sylvain Haba

ScientificTracksAbstracts-Workshop: Virol-mycol

Abstract :

Influenza like all other viral diseases often claimed victims in West Africa. The disease struck my village (KpouloNâ??Zérékoré) in 1973, when I was 10, because of the number of victims, prevention has been to flee the village, avoiding greet, share meals with others (person contact broken) and result 42 people died. To fight against a disease, it is necessary to know its cause. Instinctment and miraculously cured some patients, here are the following recipes. Herbs used 1- Piper guinéennis F: piperaceae part used sheet 20 g 2- Kigeliaafricana F: Bignoniacée part used sheet 15 g 3- Momordicacharantia F: 25 g portion used Cucurbitaceae 4- Tomatococusdanielli F: Marantaceae part used fruit to taste 20 seeds Sap Raphiahookeri (F: Palmacée) is the solvent for the first 4 bagged plants, 200 ml x 3 daily for 5 days for a 10-day Animal substance used 1- 40 yellow Fourmies (Oecophyllasmaragdina F: Formicidae), killed, dried, bagged in a funnel of leaves HypselodelphisloggeanaMarantaceae Nasal drop against the flu, II X 2 drops per day, diluted with juice of citrus medica for 3 days X 2

Biography :

Sylvain Haba admitted to the public service test in 1998. In 1992-1993 he was on Remote Training on medical semiology. In 2004-2005 he had training in traditional medicine in DR Congo. He was back Guinea in 2006 establishment of the Centre Médico-Spiritual Tradikoumi Talitha to Guinea. In 2008 he transfered to the center in Conakry.
