ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Rui M. S. Almeida
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: JCEC
Cardiovascular surgery has always been a specialty that has had a solid education, when we take into account training. In a country vast as Brazil, with a population Lately with the increasing number of new techniques and the diseases ́ severity of most patients, it is becoming more difficult to train new surgeons, or for the matter, to retrain old surgeons, not only in new techniques, but also to intend to train to become expertise in some operations. It is know that to become an expert in a known technique a continuous training in a full time period will be needed for some years. It is also known that for a training program to be efficient, the trainers, tutors or teachers, should have skills different from what we were accustom to. In Brazil, through the national society of cardiovascular surgery, a program was started, to train new cardiovascular surgeons, after a four year residency in general cardiac surgery, o r retrain established cardiac surgeons, into becoming experts in endovascular Surgery. The program has a theoretical approach, followed by a part where the trainee is located to a ?Hands On? lab or a biological simulator, under the supervision of special ists, and also to virtual simulators. After this the trainee follows a strict program in a specialized centre, where he has the oppor tunity not only to participate in all cases, being the theoretical discussion and the clinical and surgical part of the procedure. An integrated centre for the theoretical and simulator part was created in the centre of Brazil, in cooperation with the industry, and eight clinical centres, which receive the trainees, after a process of evaluation, so that they can actually perform the surger ies. These features are a way to solve the problems of training with good specialists in a vast country, with some logistic problems .
Rui Manuel de Sousa Sequeira Antunes de Almeida is an Associated Professor at Western Parana State University and Dean of the Medical School of Faculdade Assis Gurgacz, as well as a cardiovascular surgeon at the Western Parana Institute of Cardiovascular Surger y. Dr. Rui M. S. Almeida is Portuguese, born in Inhambane, Mozambique, and started medical school in Lisbon (Portugal). He received his medic al degree from the Parana State University - Brazil, in 1980. His cardiovascular surgical training was performed at Curitiba ́s Evangelica l Hospital until 1984, when he completed it, and after at The Hospital for Sick Children, in London, under the supervision of Drs. Jaroslav Stark and Marc R. De Leval, as a Senior House Of fi cer and Senior Registrar, and at The National Heart Hospital, under Drs. Donald N. Ross and Prof. Magdi H. Yacoub, as a Registrar. After is surgical training he returned to Curitiba and joined the cardiovascular surgical team at Curitiba ́s Evangel ical Hospital and became a medical professor at the Parana ́s Evangelical Medical School. He obtained at the Parana State University, is M.Sc. degree in cardiac surgery in 1993 with an experimental work untitled ? Creation of an experimental model, in dogs, to study aortic valve homograft?s -, and in. 2000 the Ph.D. degree with a thesis untitled ? Clinical application of a bilea fl et mechanical, rotational heart valve in aortic position . In 1993, was invited to be the chief cardiovascular surgeon at Western Parana Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, and performed, until now, more than 4000 ca rdiovascular procedures, as a surgeon, and 2000 cases as fi rst assistant. At the same time he initiated studies to start a Medical School at the Western Parana State University, and was its fi rst Dean, between 1995 and 2000. During this period he had grate engagement in scholar activities, as well as in research, and is, until nowadays, responsible for a research group in basic and clinical activities in cardiovascular surgery, recognized by CNPq, a Brazilian governmental entity, and for the tuition of young students in research, as well as training residents. He was designa ted to administrative duties, during this period, as the director of the out patients clinic in the University Hospital and is responsible for the ca rdiovascular surgical team, in the same hospital hospital. In 2008 he was appointed as the fi rst Associated Professor of this Medical School. n 2005 was invited to be responsible for the studies to initiate a new medical school, at the ?Faculdade Assis Gurgacz?, which was authorized in 2008, and was invit ed to become Dean of this Medical School. As associative activities he is a member of 15 professional societies participated as a board member of th e Paraná? Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, since 2002, and became its President (2006-08). Was elected President of the South Brazilian? Society o f Cardiovascular Surgery (2007-09), a Member of the Board of the Brazilian? Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (2009-2010), President of the Boar d (2011- 2012) and President of the Endovascular Department of the Brazilian? Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (2009-2011).