Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Triplets with intrauterine insemination: A rare case report

2nd International Conference on Pediatrics & Gynecology-2012

September 24-26, 2012 Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India

Karuna Sri Vanka

Posters: J Pediatr Therapeut

Abstract :

A 25 year old Mrs.X, primigravida with -triplets, 32 weeks gestation was admitted to labour ward in active phase of labour.H/o of use of ovulation induction drugs [clomiphene citrate 100mg-day2 to day6] for 3 cycles,indication-PCOD.IUI was done in the 3rd cycle during ovulation period (confirmed by follicular study-12th and 13th day) 12 hrs apart,indication-oligospermia. LMP was on 14.12.11.UPT done one week after missed period & pregnancy was confirmed. USG scan done on 25.01.12, three gestational sacs of 6-7 weeks and EDD-20.9.12.she was advised for fetal reduction but patient did not agree, continued pregnancy. Had regular ANC?s and delivered 3 live babies. It was dichorionic and triamniotic with 1st cephalic and other two in breech presentations. No PPH. All the babies are doing well.Patient was anemic and received 2 blood transfusions. Discussion: Incidence of triplets with IUI is rare <1%.It is more common with IVF and ICSI techniques where multiple embryos are transferred. The incidence of triplets with 2 cycles of IVF-ET is 0.7-0.8% and with 3 cycles is 7.3%.But with IUI cumulative conception rate is 50%. The risk of triplets with clomiphene is 0.2-0.3%.
