ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X
Dalal Mohhamed Alkahtani
Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Ann Essence Dent
Abstract: Compared to root canal treatments, coronal pulpotomy is cost effective, less time-consuming and less technically demanding. The success of a pulpotomy depends on the clinicians, appropriate clinical techniques, and materials used. Clinician may face challenges when performing root canal treatment on calcified canals received pulpotomy approach earlier as it is among the most common finding. Two such cases reports highlight the importance of knowledge on the morphology of root canal system and having the proper equipment to overcome any mystery.
Dalal Mohhamed Alkahtani graduated from King Saud University as one of the top of her class with honor degree. She is Endodontic consultant at PSMMC in Riyadh at Saudi Arabia since 2011 when she successfully completed Saudi board of endodontic with degree of honor. She also certified with advanced education in general dentistry (AEGD) from university of south California in association with PSMMC in 2001. She maintain a full time endodontic practice in PSMMC and has been involved in teaching and supervision session for endodontic and restorative residents, specially interest in trauma case from endodontic aspect. She is an active member of Saudi dental society and Saudi endodontic society.