Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

Two-track differentiation paradigm in psychotherapy

Joint Event on World Summit on Stress, Mindfulness and Philosophy & 5th International Conference on Stress, Mental Health and Dementia

August 27-28, 2018 | Boston, USA

Shaul Navon

Tel Aviv Shaul Navon, Israel

Keynote: J Psychol Psychother

Abstract :

Any psychotherapy process is based on the assumption that patients habitually regard their problems as a one-dimensional and one-track approach. Thus, they tend to become rigid in their "one-frame" attitude toward their problem. The novel Two-Track Differentiation Paradigm suggests a two-dimensional, two- track psychotherapeutic approach in order to overcome impasse situations and stuck problems because of their initial one-track approach. Thus, the novel paradigm avoids dead-end therapeutic results. The Two-Track Paradigm suggests the novel idea that the patient reframes his/her narrative of his/her problem and not the therapist, as done in classical Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This patient's reframing is made by differentiation between patients' negative and positive narratives and perceptions, offers them more options and frees them to contend with their problems more effectively. Thus, with the Two-Track Differentiation Paradigm, cases of impasse and stuck psychotherapeutic situations are turned into cases of cooperation.

Biography :

Shaul Navon, from Tel Aviv, Israel is a senior medical psychologist and a senior licensed hypnotherapist. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. He was the Director of the Rehabilitation Psychology Services at the Tel Aviv Medical Center. There, He initiated hypnotherapy and CBT services at the Gastroenterological and the Rheumatology institutes. He is an active and creative practitioner in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy. He is active in publishing papers in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in distinguished professional journals. Among his published papers, he created and developed the Illness/Non-Illness Model: Hypnotherapy for physically-ill patients. He was awarded for this publication at the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis - the Best Paper Award for 2014. Dr. Navon published recently his novel paper in CBT titled: Two-Track Differentiation Paradigm in Psychotherapy, published in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. He was awarded by the Israeli Society of Hypnosis the Distinguished Honor for the Advancement of Hypnosis in Israel.

