ISSN: 2167-0501
Younis Munshi
Accepted Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol
The Unani system of medicine is an age old, time tested Greeko-Roman system of medicine dating back 2500 years. Like any other form of medical science, Unani medicine strives to find the best possible ways by which a person can lead a healthy life with minimum or zero sickness. Unani Sytem of Medicine gives more importance to the preventive measures and Non-Pharmacological management of disease. Unani scholars believe six essentials of life which if put in balance can avoid the disease to greater extent. The six essentials viz. Air, Food and Drink, Bodily Movements and rest, Mental exercise and rest, Sleep and wakefulness, Power of Retention and excretion. Likewise, a balance should be maintained between the mind and the body so that the metabolic processes can operate easily and the body wastes evacuated. Unani Medicine believes in promotion of health, prevention of diseases and cures through regimental/diet therapies, Pharmco-therapies and lastly Surgical intervention. Keywords: Unani medicine, Regimental therapy, Dieto-therapy, Health promotion