ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Tresno and Uci Meliana
Andalas University, Indonesia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Medicinal Plants
In Indonesia, the traditional health system is still separated from modern medicine, but it coexist with modren treatment. As in Simanau Village, it is famous for ureh nan ampek treatment that has a balance dichotomy like humoral pathology, India (ayurveda) and China (yin and yang). The method are used by researcher is ethnoscience approach where researcher find indegenous knowledge of society and dukun kampung (shaman) about ureh nan ampek through technique of collecting data of interview and observation. The results of this research that we find four plants which the plants will be done phytochemical testing. The study explain that ethnomedicine ureh nan ampek have the same dichotomy of equalibrium based on Sikatimuno mythology, chicken surgery (perkakeh ayan), tawa ureh nan ampek (spell of plants) and phytochemical testing. The pain will appear when ndak lamak badan (unwell body), banyak pangana (a lot of thoughts), and ndak lamak hati (broken hearts). So Ilnees will appear cause four elements in the body are not balance that are karabu (lung), liver, galang nan tujuah (intestinum tenue), and rueh-rueh jari (colon and rectum). As for curing the illness with ureh nan ampek consisting of sitawa (Enydra fluctuans DC), sidingin (Cheilocostus speciosus), cikarau (Bryophyllum pinnatum), cikumpai (Sacciolepis interrupta) in which each plant has its own properties in curing diseases. Sitawa is any sick bidder, sidigin decrease heat/cool the sick, cikarau/ pararau is destroyer of any sick and cikumpai/panghampai is throw away any sick. From the explanation of dakun kampung about tawa ureh nan ampek. Researchers can categorize Minangkabau ethnopharmacology that a total of 82 types plants are categorized by researchers who have properties and benefits healing various diseases.
Tresno is a student in Andalas University, Indonesia.