Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0412

+44 1300 500008

Use of herbs in veterinary practice

2nd Global Summit on Herbals & Natural Remedies

October 17-19, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Martina Naceradska

Private veterinary practice, Czech Republic

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants

Abstract :

Behavior-related issues belong to the most challenging cases in my practice. Sedatives or psychopharmaca are usually recommended as a treatment of choice according to the â??western medicineâ? literature. Sometimes it is really difficult to actually administer the medicine, as many of the animal patients tend to be full of fear and aggressive, especially cats. In contrast to this way of treatment stands the use of herbs, especially those picked by the animal itself. Cats love to chew on catnip or valerian root, which makes their basic clinical examination much easier. If the animal is relaxed, the owner is relaxed too and the compliance works better. Oncological patients are sometimes hard to manage; some animals suffer from inappetence, refuse to eat, refuse to accept the feeding tube due to different reasons, in such cases I use herbs such as carrot seed essential oil as appetite stimulant. Some animals may suffer from resistant bacterial infection such as Escherichia coli, often in combination with other comorbidities such as renal failure where very few or no antibiotics can be used. In my practice, I had good results with prescribing inhalation for e.g. almond or garlic essential oils to combat such infections. Case report will be presented on how particular herbs or their products use helped the patients in my practice.

Biography :

Martina Na?eradská is the owner of a Private Veterinary Practice on Krymská 23 in Prague, Czech Republic, since 2008. She won the Falling Walls Lab Award (Prague 2015) with her research project on: Breaking the wall in treatment of dermatophytosis. In her research she focuses mainly on cats, dermatology, and dealing with behavioral problems. She has numerous publications in Czech scientific journals and actively participates in national and international congresses, holds presentations for pet owners and breeders, and collaborates with several Czech TV channels on educational series about animals.

