ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Dmitry Giller
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiolog
5721 thoracic operations at 5502 patients (aged from 3 to 89) were performed during the period from 1999 to 2015 by one surgeon. 73.5% of operations were for pulmonary tuberculosis, 15.8% for oncopathology and 10.7% for other diseases. 4011 (70.1%) operation were performed with mini accesses and VATS. VATS was used during 236 (31.8%) of 741 pneumonectomies and pleuropneumonectomies, 739 (72.8%) of 1015 lobectomies and bilobectomies, 695 (73.8%) of 942 anatomic polysegmentary resections, 768 (87.4%) of 879 not anatomic lung resections, 181 (84.2%) of 215 pleuroectomies, 636 (70.9%) of 897 thoracoplasties and thoracomioplasties. Most operated patients had expressed pleural adhesions, typically for pulmonary tuberculosis. We studied frequency and character of complications, the direct and remote results of all operations for pulmonary tuberculosis with the minimally invasive and standard accesses. The 30-days mortality was 0.02% in the VATS group and 1% in thoracotomy group.
Dmitry Giller is currently the Director of the University Clinic of Phthisiopulmonology. He is the Head of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Thoracic Surgery at IM Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. He has completed his PhD at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis RAMS. In 1997 he has received the scientific title of Professor. He was the Chairman of the society of thoracic surgeons of Moscow and Moscow region from 2014-2015. He is the author of more than 200 publications, including 35 patents, monographs and manuals for doctors and students.