ISSN: 2161-1017
+44 1478 350008
Rahul Ray
Keynote: Endocrinol Metab Synd
V itamin D can easily be called the most celebrated new-age molecule. With the discovery of various properties and implications in multiple diseases vitamin D has becomefirmly established in the realm of public health. Such findings have also raised expectations from vitamin D as preventive and therapeutic agents in several diseases. In this speech I will provide an overview of the rise of vitamin D from a primordial molecule to its current stage, and discuss expectation and reality, with particular emphasis on its role in cancer.
Rahul Ray is a Professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. He is an authority in the structure-function and cancer therapeutic areas of the vitamin D endocrine system. He has received numerous extra-mural grants and contracts for his research and four awarded patents. He has served as a member in several National Institutes of Health Study Sections and he is an editorial board member of steroid hormonerelated journals.