ISSN: 2167-0501
Swapna Reddy and Swapna Alett
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol
In the present investigation, methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi leaves were evaluated for wound healing activity. As entire wound healing process is complex series of events that begins at the moment of injury and can continue for months to years, methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi leaves were examined for wound healing activity in the form of ointment by the excision, the incision and dead space wound model on mice. The extract ointments showed considerable wound healing properties with excision wound model (p<0.001), incision wound model (p<0.05), and dead space wound model (p<0.05) when results were compared with control. Standard used for present study was betadine ointment in terms of wound contracting ability, wound closure time, tensile strength and dry granuloma weight. Results obtained clearly indicated that methanolic extract of Mimusops elengi leaves exhibit significant wound healing.