Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research has got h-index 8, which means every article in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research has got 8 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

59 60 16 2 5

Year wise citations received

12 13 16 5 9
Journal total citations count 131
Journal impact factor 0.25
Journal 5 years impact factor 0.44
Journal cite score 0.51
Journal h-index 8
Journal h-index since 2019 6
Important citations (313)

limna al, samy kp, sambathkumar r (2016) complications of diabetic mothers related to glycated albumin and hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.

bhavadharini b, uma r, saravanan p, mohan v (2016) screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus–relevance to low and middle income countries. clinical diabetes and endocrinology. 2: 13.

joshi v, kumar a (2015) diabetes: a risk factor for mortality from brain stroke. indian journal of pharmaceutical and biological research. 3: 28.

li ke, cheung ys, lau by (2014) use of fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin a1c in screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in high-risk antenatal patients in hong kong. hong kong j gynaecol obstet midwifery. 14: 31-37.

the world congress on building consensus out of controversies in gynecology, infertility and perinatology (bcgip-cogi), 2014.

shuichi oki, miyuki hiko (2014) about effective use of published data ishikawa nursing magazine. 11: 9-18.

shi z (2012) not all ivfs lead to rome. reproductive sys sexual disord.

wei s, shi z (2012) resolutions for infertility-far from being resolved. reprod sys sexual disorders 1.

ooki s (2012) multiple congenital anomalies after assisted reproductive technology in japan (between 2004 and 2009). isrn epidemiology.

ooki s (2013) maternal age and birth defects after the use of assisted reproductive technology in japan, 2004–2010. int j womens health. 5: 65-77.

lamarca j, garcía arumí j, barraquer ri (2016) propiedades físicas de los segmentos anulares intraestromales.

pereira gf (2014) estudo de regiões de susceptibilidade para o cancro do cólon e recto familiar do tipo x: análise de genes candidatos e de ganhos/deleções em tumores (doctoral dissertation, escola superior de saúde egas moniz).

gonzález sotero j (2015) características morfométricas in vivo del queratocono: su evolución y asociación con la gravedad clínica (doctoral dissertation, universidad de ciencias médicas de la habana).

gatinel d (2016) les frottements oculaires répétés sont-ils la cause nécessaire et suffisante du kératocône?.

reis lm, rodrigues fw, da silva re, taleb ac, de ávila mp (2016) análise da relação da ocorrência de polimorfismo de nucleotídeo único do gene dock9 em ceratocone. brasileira de. 75: 223-227.

viteri chancusi ap, camacho calvopiña br (2015) conjuntivitis alérgica como factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de queratocono en pacientes de 6 a 20 años en la clínica oftálmica de quito de noviembre a diciembre de 2014 (bachelor's thesis, quito/puce/2015/).

álvarez de toledo elizalde jp, barraquer j, reverter calatayud jl (2015) evolución a largo plazo del astigmatismo tras queratoplastia penetrante en queratocono.

buson s (2014) tecniche applicative di lenti a contatto per cheratocono (keratoconus contact lens fitting).

fournie pp (2013) crosslinking trans-‐epithelial du collagene corneen: evaluation pre-‐clinique de l’iontophorese (doctoral dissertation, universite toulouse iii).

reis lm, rodrigues fw, silva re, taleb ac, ávila mp (2016) relation analysis of the occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphism of the dock9 gene in keratoconus. revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 75: 223-227.
