Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research has got h-index 8, which means every article in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research has got 8 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

59 60 16 2 5

Year wise citations received

12 13 16 5 9
Journal total citations count 131
Journal impact factor 0.25
Journal 5 years impact factor 0.44
Journal cite score 0.51
Journal h-index 8
Journal h-index since 2019 6
Important citations (313)

varras m (2013) co-expression of oct-4 and survivin genes in human ovarian luteinized granulosa cells during in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer programs.

velickovic lj, stefanovic v (2014) hypoxia and spermatogenesis. international urology and nephrology. 46 :887-894.

singh a, bhandari s, agrawal p, gupta n, munaganuru n (2016) use of clomiphene-based stimulation protocol in oocyte donors: a comparative study. journal of human reproductive sciences. 9: 159.

bhandari s, ganguly i, chittawar pb, agarwal p, singh a, et al. (2017) use of clomiphene to prevent premature luteinizing hormone surge during controlled ovarian hyper stimulation. international journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology. 5: 1944-1948.

khaire a, joshi s (2016) maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and pregnancy outcome. inomega-3 fatty acids 2016. springer international publishing. pp: 487-

quinlivan ja, kaakoush no, mendz gl (2014) acinetobacter species associated with spontaneous preterm birth and histological chorioamnionitis.

wietrak e, kamiński k, leszczyńska-gorzelak b, oleszczuk j (2015) effect of docosahexaenoic acid on apoptosis and proliferation in the placenta: preliminary report. biomed research international.

pietrantoni e, del chierico f, rigon g, vernocchi p, salvatori g, et al. (2014) docosahexaenoic acid supplementation during pregnancy: a potential tool to prevent membrane rupture and preterm labor. international journal of molecular sciences. 15: 8024-8036.

deak bh, klukovits a, kormányos z, tekes k, ducza e (2013) uterus-relaxing effects of nociceptin and nocistatin: studies on preterm and term-pregnant human myometrium.

omu fe, el biaa aa, ghafour aa, gadalla it, omu ae (2016) emotional impacts of premature ovarian failure in kuwait. health. 8: 262.

yassin mm, lubbad am, laqqan mm, alzmaily es (2014) impact of age on ovarian response and ivf outcome during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in women from gaza strip. journal of medicine. 15: 36-40.

wojtczak a (2016) immunocytochemical and immunogold analyses of histone h4 acetylation during chara vulgaris spermiogenesis. micron. 82: 86-93.

zhou t, xia x, liu j, wang g, guo y, et al. (2015) beyond single modification: reanalysis of the acetylproteome of human sperm reveals widespread multiple modifications. journal of proteomics. 126: 296-302.

akarsu ag, beji nk (2016) kadın cinsel fonksiyon bozuklukları sınıflandırılmasında dsm-v kapsamında yapılan deÄŸiÅŸiklikler. 18: 134–137.

reed bg, nemer lb, carr br (2016) has testosterone passed the test in premenopausal women with low libido? a systematic review. international journal of women's health. 8: 599.

hobbs lj (2016) psychotherapeutic interventions for sexual problems delivered via the internet: effectiveness, acceptability and reach (doctoral dissertation, ucl (university college london)).

ventura-aquino e, paredes rg (2017) animal models in sexual medicine: the need and importance of studying sexual motivation. sexual medicine reviews. 5: 5-19.

pérez-lópez fr, chedraui p (2016) reply to the letter to the editor: a rebuttal: fsfi questionnaire does not assess female sexual function, by v. puppo and g. puppo: sexual function: from pulp fiction to evidence-based screening. maturitas 83: 95.

fritzges jl (2015) the effects of buddhist psychological practices on the mental health and social attitudes of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.

pallios n (2014) development and evaluation of a curriculum targeting emotional components of women’s sexual health (doctoral dissertation, california state university, stanislaus).
