ISSN: 2332-0915
LI Yang Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., Columbia Business School
Dr. Li is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia Business School and had taught undergraduate and MBA classes before coming back to China. His research focuses on big data marketing analytics, with emphases related to pricing, consumer choice, and competitive strategy. Professor Li has published on leading academic journals such as Management Science and Journal of Marketing Research, and reviewed for Operations Research and Management Science. At CKGSB, Dr. Li teaches marketing management, marketing research, managerial statistics for MBAs and big data marketing, internet marketing for Executive Education. Prior to joining business academia, Dr. Li had earned a bachelor degree in electronics science from Peking University, a master degree in biomedical engineering from Columbia University, and had worked for United Nations in New York. He consulted for Tencent, Baidu, and Yonghui Groups, and currently holds a U.S. patent.
Pricing, Retailing, Market Structure, Consumer Choice Models, Social Networks