ISSN: 2165-7890
Although individuals with autism usually arise physically accustomed and accept acceptable beef control, they abnormalrepetitive motions, which may be called, stereotypic movement disorder, stereotypies or repetitive behaviours. Self-stimulation, or "stimming", is addition accepted appellation for repetitive behaviour. Typical examples cover duke waving, teeth grinding, and agitation movements and attach biting. In some cases, it can absorb self-injurious behaviours such as arch banging, self-biting, acrimonious at the derma and self-hitting.
Related Journals of Repetitive Behaviours in Autism
Journal of Communication Disorders,Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids, Behavior Modification, Behavioral Interventions, Behavioral Neurology, Behavioural Brain Research, BMC Neuroscience, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Child Neurology, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.