Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy

Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0277

+44 1478 350008

Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy has got h-index 15, which means every article in Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

61 48 18 8 22 29

Year wise citations received

128 147 153 135 115 84
Journal total citations count 966
Journal impact factor 2.9
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.7
Journal cite score 5.1
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (510)

Halász p. halász p, terzano m, parrino l, bódizs r: the nature of arousal in sleep. j. sleep res. 13: 1-23 2004. j. sleep res. 2004;13:1-23.

Bódizs r, gombos f, gerván p, szÃ?â??cs k, réthelyi jm, kovács i. aging and sleep in williams syndrome: accelerated sleep deterioration and decelerated slow wave sleep decrement. research in developmental disabilities. 2014;35(12):3226-35. 

Dimitriou d, karmiloff-smith a, ashworth a, hill cm. impaired sleep-related learning in children with williams syndrome. pediatrics research international journal. 2013:1-0. 

Bahnasy ws, el-heneedy ya, el-shamy am, badr my, amer ra, ibrahim is. sleep and psychiatric abnormalities in gullian barré syndrome. the egyptian journal of neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery. 2018;54(1):5.

Shyamsunder r, ch bp. research and reviews: journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.    

Basner rc. “nocturnal” noninvasive ventilation: an overview. innocturnal non-invasive ventilation 2015.

Fermin am, afzal u, culebras a. sleep in neuromuscular diseases. sleep medicine clinics. 2016;11(1):53-64.

UrbaÃ?â??czuk m, kiciÃ?â??ski p, dybaÃ?â??a a, myÃ?â?ºliÃ?â??ski w, mosiewicz j, jaroszyÃ?â??ski a. factors influencing troponin t concentration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. folia cardiologica. 2016;11(5):372-376.

Adewole o. pattern of sleep disorders among patients in a nigerian family practice population. annals of medical and health sciences research. 2017;7(7).

Mondal g, bajaj v, goyal bl, mukherjee n. prevalence of sleep disorders and severity of insomnia in psychiatric outpatients attending a tertiary level mental health care facility in punjab, india. asian journal of psychiatry. 2018;32:8-13.

Haile yg, alemu sm, habtewold td. insomnia and its temporal association with academic performance among university students: a cross-sectional study. biomed research international. 2017.

Seow ls, verma sk, mok ym, kumar s, chang s, satghare p, hombali a, vaingankar j, chong sa, subramaniam m. evaluating dsm-5 insomnia disorder and the treatment of sleep problems in a psychiatric population. journal of clinical sleep medicine. 2018;14(02):237-44.

Dimitrio d, sniecinska a, iles rk. abnormal endocrine and behavioural sleep markers in a child with williams syndrome and siblings. journal of sleep disorders & therapy. 2013;2(01).

O'sullivan m, rahim m, hall c. the prevalence and management of poor sleep quality in a secondary care mental health population. journal of clinical sleep medicine. 2015;11(02):111-116.

Ji xw, chan ch, lau bh, chan js, chan cl, chung kf. the interrelationship between sleep and depression: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial on mind-body-spirit intervention. sleep medicine. 2017;29:41-46. 

Caba m, gonzález-mariscal g, meza e. circadian rhythms and clock genes in reproduction: insights from behavior and the female rabbit’s brain. frontiers in endocrinology. 2018;9:106.

Medal bk. some relevant credentials.

Hasan s, foster rg, peirson sn. phenotyping sleep: beyond eeg. handbook of neurobehavioral genetics and phenotyping. 2017;28:489-506. 

Lau ey, lau kn, chan cs, tseng ch, lam yc, tse dm, cheng wy, chung kf, wing yk. effects of rem sleep during a daytime nap on emotional perception in individuals with and without depression. journal of affective disorders. 2020;260:687-694. 

Murkar al, de koninck j. consolidative mechanisms of emotional processing in rem sleep and ptsd. sleep medicine reviews. 2018;41:173-84.   
