Worlds Horticultural Industry in Peril due to Covid 19 lockdown.
Worlds Horticultural Industry in Peril due to Covid 19 lockdown
Journal of Horticulture is pleased to announce Special issue on “Worlds Horticultural Industry in Peril due to Covid 19 lockdown”.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness which has infected more than 200 countries and has killed more than two hundred thousand people globally. As countries around the world increase their actions to contain the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19, the implications are beginning to be felt across the horticultural and agricultural supply chains. Horticultural industries are severly affected. Ornamental growers across Europe are suffering from reduced demand. In Britain the closure of more than 3,000 garden centres and nurseries mean makers of what's called "ornamental horticulture" have no outlet for their plants. Similarly Europe’s fresh food supply is being threatened by coronavirus. Fresh fruit and vegetables will become increasingly scarce in Europe and United States, suppliers warn, as the coronavirus pandemic hampers the global movement of produce and of the people needed to gather crops. Even, African countries like Kenya, a major supplier of green beans and peas to Europe, half of the workers in the sector have been sent home on mandatory leave because of the industry’s inability to ship orders, even as demand from European retailers surge.
So, we want to assess the severity of lockdown on Horticultural industry. We are delighted to provide the scientific community a platform to showcase their studies. With the same purpose our Journal “Journal of Horticulture” is announcing Special issue Call for paper on “Worlds Horticultural Industry in Peril due to Covid 19 lockdown”. We welcome both solicited and unsolicited submissions that will contribute to this special issue. Submission Process Special issue articles can include both original unpublished research articles and review articles related to the specific theme Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the special issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee. All the articles in special issues should strictly adhere to journal style and formatting. Each special issue can be created with 5-7 articles. All accepted manuscripts can be submitted online via or through an email id to Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue theme. Please visit Instruction for authors page to know more about article formatting and guidelines: