International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining

International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4924

Data Mining in Translational Bioinformatics

Extended Abstract

Pages: 0 - 5

Identification of the calcium-dependent gating and targeted-drug discovery of calcium-activated chloride channels

Hailong An, Chunli Pang, Shuai Guo, Yafei Chen and Hailin Zhang

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Extended Abstract

Pages: 0 - 2

Bird and mammalian lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes

Dagmar Heinova and Zuzana Kostecka

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Extended Abstract

Pages: 0 - 2

Simulation of the electronic properties of Group 14 phthalocyanine derivatives

Asare Nkansah, F Castet, SM Gali, BH Lessard, Luca Muccioli and Chad Risko

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Extended Abstract

Pages: 0 - 2

Characteristics of an antigen-adjuvant immunological complex in an experimental vaccine formulation

Maria de Fatima Simao Juca Cri, Gabriela M Pereira, Elaine OR Viana, Marilia J da Silva, Bernadete P da Silva and Jose P Parente

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Extended Abstract

Pages: 0 - 3

From the structure and function of the ribosome to new antibiotics

Thomas A Steitz

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