Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Tourism & Hospitality have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality has got h-index 22, which means every article in Journal of Tourism & Hospitality has got 22 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Tourism & Hospitality.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 69 32 28 60

Year wise citations received

423 497 412 287 180
Journal total citations count 2312
Journal impact factor 16.7
Journal 5 years impact factor 10.27
Journal cite score 9.16
Journal h-index 22
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Important citations (753)

pagar sd. a swot analysis of tourism industryin nashik district, maharashtra state.

popiel m. innovative projects that make tourism more accessible for disabled people: case study of krakow. 2017.

cristea g. does intellectual capital contribute to a better management of virtual teams?. challenging the status quo in management and economics. 2018;610.

cvrtak kr, malkoč dp, mihanović z. marketing and sustainable development:theoretical consideration and implications on the case study of jgl dd (jadran galenski laboratorij). ininternationl scientific and professional conference contemporary issues in economy and technology,ciet. 2016.

elm fagundes m, bridges at. analysis of the concept of green and sustainable libraries in the environmental education context: a literature review.

fresnido am, esposo-betan sm. going green: sustainable practices in philippine libraries. 2018

text oc. how do the leaders 'charismatic behavior influence the work performance of the employees? intermediate role of employment levels of employees. int j eco admin sci. 2019;5(1):23-38.

ocak m, ozturk a. the role of transformational leadership behaviours’ effects on corporate entrepreneurship behaviours and financial performance of firms. international review of management and marketing. 2018;8(4):45.

tröltzsch j, mcglade k, voss p, tarpey j, abhold k, watkiss p, hunt a, cimato f, pwa mw, jeuken a, van ginkel k. d1. 2 knowledge synthesis and gap analysis report.

damm a, köberl j, stegmaier p, alonso ej, harjanne a. impacts of +2 c global warming on winter tourism demand in europe. climate services. 2015

damm a, greuell w, landgren o, prettenthaler f. impacts of+ 2 c global warming on winter tourism demand in europe. climate services. 2017;7:31-46.

perkumienÄ— d, vienažindienÄ— m, švagždienÄ— b. cooperation perspectives in sustainable medical tourism: the case of lithuania. sustainability. 2019 jan;11(13):3584.

majeed s, lu c, javed t. the journey from an allopathic to natural treatment approach: a scoping review of medical tourism and health systems. european journal of integrative medicine. 2017;16:22-32.

moyeen a, kamal s, yousuf m. a content analysis of csr research in hotel industry, 2006–2017. responsibility and governance. 2019.

kesto da. the impact of corporate social responsibility practices on financial performance of banking sector in ethiopia. global journal of management and business research. 2017.

ören tÅž, yüzbaşıoÄŸlu n. sustainable destination development: evaluation for air sports specialists. manas journal of social research.2019;8(4): 3911-3930

ahmad i, mohsin f. a study on the tourism and its importance on the economic growth of the city. international journal of advanced research and development.2018;3(2):381-382.

letoluo ml, wangombe l. exploring the socio-economic effects of the community tourism fund to the local community, maasai mara national reserve. universal journal of management. 2018;6(2):51-58.

bubou gm, gumus s, ogungbemi aa. institutionalising the maintenance management function in public sector organisations for sustainable infrastructural services in nigeria.

aziz a. blood cupping in management of knee osteoarthritis: a novel cost effective & safe therapy. annals of punjab medical college (apmc). 2019;13(2):142-146.
