Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

Translational Medicine : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Translational Medicine have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Translational Medicine has got h-index 15, which means every article in Translational Medicine has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Translational Medicine.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Total published articles

32 33 30 30 20 3 4 7 34 22 27 23 32 8

Research, Review articles and Editorials

10 10 12 15 18 3 4 9 25 18 15 23 16 8

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

4 23 16 14 1 0 0 2 4 4 8 0 1 0

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 46 71 147 52 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

60 70 101 116 126 128 123 123 95 64 30 18 4 5
Journal total citations count 1088
Journal impact factor 5.03
Journal 5 years impact factor 12.81
Journal cite score 13.7
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2019 12
Important citations (480)

toldo s, das a, mezzaroma e, chau vq, marchetti c, et al. (2014) induction of microrna-21 with exogenous hydrogen sulfide attenuates myocardial ischemic and inflammatory injury in mice. circulation: cardiovascular genetics, circgenetics 113.

marchetti c, chojnacki j, toldo s, mezzaroma e, tranchida n, et al. (2014) a novel pharmacologic inhibitor of the nlrp3 inflammasome limits myocardial injury following ischemia-reperfusion in the mouse. j cardiovascular pharmacology 63: 316.

giordano a, polimeno m, messina s, corcione n, ferraro p, et al. (2014) the renal artery conundrum: solving the puzzle of concomitant resistant hypertension and angiographic stenosis. international journal of cardiology 175: 192.

biondi-zoccai g, peruzzi m, giordano a, frati g (2014) transcatheter renal sympathetic denervation for resistant arterial hypertension: when sham brings shame?. journal of endovascular therapy 21: 197-201.

giordano r, d'agostino d, apollonio c, lamaddalena n, vurro m (2013) bayesian belief network to support conflict analysis for groundwater protection: the case of the apulia region. journal of environmental management 115: 136-146.

rajasekaran n, oh mr, kim ss, kim se, kim yd, et al. (2015) el empleo de la gotita de pcr digital para detectar mutaciones braf v600e en embebidos en parafina líneas celulares de referencia estándar fijos-formalina.

rajasekaran n, oh mr, kim ss, kim se, kim yd, et al. (2015) 采用数字液滴 pcr 技术检测 braf v600e 突变的福尔马林固定石蜡包埋的参考标准细胞系.

Кит ОИ, Водолажский ДИ, Геворкян ЮА, Кутилин ДС, Малейко МЛ, et al. (2014) Изменение относительной копийности генов oct4 и sox2 при малигнизации тканей желудка. Фундаментальные исследования 10-4.

çarhan a, ercan e, yalçinkaya t (2016) dijital pzr ve kullanım alanları. turkish bulletin of hygiene & experimental biology/türk hijyen ve deneysel biyoloji 73: 2.

rajasekaran n, oh mr, kim ss, kim se, kim yd, et al. (2015) empregando digital gota pcr para detectar mutações braf v600e em parafina-encaixados linhas celulares de referência padrão fixadas em formalina.

meléndez-zajgla j, lagunas vm (2014) genomas del cáncer.¿ hacia dónde ir? gaceta médica de méxico 150: 563-569.

meléndez-zajgla j, maldonado lv(2014) cancer genomes: where do we go from here? gaceta medica de mexico 150: 553-538.

rajasekaran n, oh mr, kim ss, kim se, kim yd, et al. (2015) employing digital droplet pcr to detect braf v600e mutations in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded reference standard cell lines. jove 104: e53190-e53190.

kit oi, vodolazhsky di, kutilin ds, gudueva en (2015) changes in the number of copies of genetic loci in gastric cancer. molecular biology 49: 589-597.

hughesman cb, lu xd, liu ky, zhu y, poh cf, et al. (2016) a robust protocol for using multiplexed droplet digital pcr to quantify somatic copy number alterations in clinical tissue specimens. plos one 11: e0161274.

pang jmb (2016) biomarkers in ductal carcinoma in situ (doctoral dissertation).

du m, wang l(2016) 3c-digital pcr for quantification of chromatin interactions. bmc molecular biology 17: 23.

di paolo a, polillo m, lastella m, bocci g, del re m., & danesi, r. (2015). methods: for studying pharmacogenetic profiles of combination chemotherapeutic drugs. expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology, 11(8), 1253-1267.

zhu y, lu d, lira me, xu q, du y, et al. (2015). droplet digital polymerase chain reaction detection of her2 amplification in.

flaherty p (2014) metastatic tumor evolution in di use gastric cancer and cancer organoid modeling implicate tgfbr2 as a potential driver. genome biology 15.
