Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
60 | 61 | 30 | 28 | 44 |
Conference proceedings |
50 | 13 | 0 | 24 | 120 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
759 | 774 | 728 | 597 | 503 |
Journal total citations count | 1841 |
Journal impact factor | 5.14 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.65 |
Journal cite score | 5.88 |
Journal h-index | 21 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 21 |
Important citations (1671)
Kanikwu pn, chiejina en. pregnant women’s satisfaction with the antenatal services provided by midwives in government-owned health care facilities in south-south, nigeria. |
Asefa f, fikadu g, taye a. quality of antenatal care among mothers attending antenatal care and associated factors at jimma medical center south west ethiopia. ethiopian journal of reproductive health. 2020 jan 22;12(1):10-. |
Goshu ya, yitayew ae. prevalence and determinant factors of unintended pregnancy among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of addis zemen hospital. plos one. 2019 jan 30;14(1):e0210206. |
Birhanu s, demena m, baye y, desalew a, dawud b, egata g. pregnant women’s satisfaction with antenatal care services and its associated factors at public health facilities in the harari region, eastern ethiopia. sage open medicine. 2020 nov;8:2050312120973480. |
Selgado mb, dukele yh, amamo dd. determinants of focused antenatal care service satisfaction in public health facilities in ethiopia 2018: a mixed study design. journal of public health and epidemiology. 2019 sep 30;11(8):158-69. |
Khan mn, harris ml, shifti dm, laar as, loxton d. effects of unintended pregnancy on maternal healthcare services utilization in low-and lower-middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. international journal of public health. 2019 jun;64(5):743-54. |
Dixit a, bhan n, benmarhnia t, reed e, kiene sm, silverman j, raj a. the association between early in marriage fertility pressure from in-laws’ and family planning behaviors, among married adolescent girls in bihar and uttar pradesh, india. reproductive health. 2021 dec;18(1):1-9. |
El-shrqawy e, el-nemer a. unintended pregnancy: associated factors and outcomes among pregnant women. mansoura nursing journal. 2020 jul 1;7(2):227-40. |
Marques pf, coelho ed, bertolozzi mr, hoga la, fonseca jg, rodrigues ir. women's experiences of induced abortion resulting from unplanned pregnancy: a qualitative systematic review protocol. jbi evidence synthesis. 2018 nov 1;16(11):2097-102. |
Kumar a, jain ak, ram f, acharya r, shukla a, mozumdar a, saggurti n. health workers’ outreach and intention to use contraceptives among married women in india. bmc public health. 2020 dec;20(1):1-9. |
Osborn ja, sriram r, karthikeyan s, ravishankar sl. a study on contraceptive prevalence rate and factors influencing it in a rural area of coimbatore, south india. journal of family medicine and primary care. 2021 jun;10(6):2246. |
Böttcher b, abu-el-noor ma, abu-el-noor ni. causes and consequences of unintended pregnancies in the gaza strip: a qualitative study. bmj sexual & reproductive health. 2019 apr 1;45(2):159-63. |
Moges y, worku sa, niguse a, kelkay b. factors associated with the unplanned pregnancy at suhul general hospital, northern ethiopia, 2018. journal of pregnancy. 2020 jun 27;2020. |
Mersha ag, erku da, belachew sa, ayele aa, gebresillassie bm, abegaz tm. contraceptive use among hiv-positive and negative women: implication to end unintended pregnancy. contraception and reproductive medicine. 2019 dec 1;4(1):3. |
Nachinab gt, asumah mn, yakong vn, pwamang e, awe ca, alowri f. utilisation of emergency contraception among final year university female students. |
I hassan s, el-kurdy r, m yousef a, m lamadah s. the effect of an educational guidelines on childbearing women’s knowledge, attitude and their intention regarding emergency contraceptive use. egyptian journal of health care. 2020 dec 1;11(4):743-58. |
Shayo i, msuya se, amour c, mahande mj. awareness and factors associated with postpartum modern contraceptives use among women of reproductive age in bukombe district, geita region. advances in sexual medicine. 2020 may 11;10(03):71. |
Geda yf, desse h, gesesse mm, berhe tm. hepatitis b surface antigen and associated factors among mothers who had antenatal care contact in attat hospital, southern ethiopia. sage open medicine. 2021 jun;9:20503121211024462. |
Geda yf, siyoum m, tirfie wa. pregnancy history and associated factors among hawassa university regular undergraduate female students, southern ethiopia, 2020. j womens health, issues care 9. 2020;3:2. |
Kosasih ce, solehati t, mardiyono m, lukman m. the effectiveness of a school-based education program on oral health in bandung resident: a pilot study. jurnal aisyah: jurnal ilmu kesehatan. 2021 jun 9;6(2):233-8. |