Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420


Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 61 30 28 44

Year wise citations received

759 774 728 597 503
Journal total citations count 1841
Journal impact factor 5.14
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.65
Journal cite score 5.88
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Important citations (1671)

Rahman sf, hardi gw, maras ma, riva yr. influence of curcumin and ginger in primary dysmenorrhea: a review. international journal of applied engineering research. 2020;15(7):634-8.

Çelik as, apay se. effect of progressive relaxation exercises on primary dysmenorrhea in turkish students: a randomized prospective controlled trial. complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2021 feb 1;42:101280.

Do?an h, ero?lu s, akbayrak t. the effect of kinesio taping and lifestyle changes on pain, body awareness and quality of life in primary dysmenorrhea. complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2020 may 1;39:101120.

Bustan mn, seweng a. abdominal stretching exercise in decreasing pain of dysmenorrhea among nursing students. injournal of physics: conference series 2018 jun 1 (vol. 1028, no. 1, p. 012103). iop publishing.

Hamid rh, dhupkar a. effect of pelvic floor exercises on urinary incontinence related to menstrual cycle and quality of life.

Armour m, ee cc, naidoo d, ayati z, chalmers kj, steel ka, de manincor mj, delshad e. exercise for dysmenorrhoea. cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2019(9).

Ramasandran g, yen ks, mat s, kamaruzzaman sb, vyrn ca, aik ot, razack ah, pin tm. ethnic differences in urinary incontinence among women aged 55 years and over: results from the malaysian elders longitudinal research (melor). journal of health and translational medicine. 2020 jan 21;23(1):18-22.

Sandhya sree m. quit smoke or quit your life with stroke!.

Fernandez-cuadros me, fuencisla diez-ramos m, jesus albaladejo-florin m, susana perez-moro o. manometric biofeedback effectiveness on urinary incontinence and quality of life: a non-randomized control trial. middle east journal of rehabilitation and health. 2017 apr 30;4(2).

Maddela vs. how tobacco and cannabis smoking effects human physiology. research and review: journal of nursing and health science. 2016:1-7.

Watt j, maguire dg, reid cn, lamont jv, fitzgerald sp, ruddock mw. thrombomodulin expression in bladder cancer tissue and its association with prognosis and patient survival. research and reports in urology. 2020;12:157.

Shukla p, misra p, jain rk, misra rk. successful homoeopathic treatment of phyllodes tumour: a case study. homœopathic links. 2021 jun;34(02):130-40.

Arul i, trivedi mk, branton a, trivedi d, nayak g, mondal sc, jana s. investigation of biofield treated vitamin d3 to improve immunity of bone cells in mg-63 cell line. international journal of bacteriology, virology and immunology. 2018 jun 29;4(1):053-62.

Trivedi d, trivedi mk, branton a, nayak g, jana s. impact of consciousness energy healing treatment on the physicochemical and thermal properties of chromium trioxide (cro3). pharmaceutical sciences & analytical research journal. 2019;1(2).

Gemechu ag, assefa ayana l, waqtole zd, tola ek, beyene md. risky sexual behavior and its associated factors among daily laborers in arjo-didessa sugar factory, jimma arjo, southwest ethiopia: an institution-based cross-sectional study. sage open medicine. 2021 feb;9:2050312121994358.

Trivedi d, jana s. ex-vivo hair growth promotion efficacy of biofield energy treated williams medium e using vibrissae hair follicle organ culture. global journal of medical research: l nutrition & food science. 2018 dec 20;18(8).

Lingan k. a review on various aspects of hiv infection. hiv curr res. 2018;3(128):2572-0805.

Trivedi mk, branton a, trivedi d, nayak g, balmer aj, anagnos d, kinney jp, holling jm, balmer ja, duprey-reed la, parulkar vr. immunomodulatory potential of new classical herbomineral formulation in experimental animals: impact of biofield energy healing treatment. materials science. 2017 dec 5;33:35.

Kinney jp, trivedi mk, branton a, trivedi d, nayak g, mondal sc, jana s. effect of biofield energy treated vitamin d3 on the proliferation of osteoblast-like mg-63 human osteosarcoma cells in vitro. j microbiol microb technol. 2018 jun 27;2(1):6.

Mccammon jg, trivedi mk, branton a, trivedi d, nayak g, mondal sc, jana s. role of biofield energy treated vitamin d3 in human bone osteosarcoma cells (mg-63): a multidisciplinary aspect on bone health. j emerg med critical care. 2018 jul 6;4(1):6.
