Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420


Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 61 30 28 44

Year wise citations received

759 774 728 597 503
Journal total citations count 1841
Journal impact factor 5.14
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.65
Journal cite score 5.88
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Important citations (1671)

Al gharaibeh fm. debating the role of custom, religion and law in ‘honour’crimes: implications for social work. ethics and social welfare. 2016 apr 2;10(2):122-39.

Melkie a, addisu d, atinafu b, mekie m, dagnew e. contributing factors to failed oxytocin induction among women giving birth at referral hospitals of amhara regional state, ethiopia, in 2018: a case-control study. journal of midwifery and reproductive health. 2021;9(1):2590-6.

Beshir ym, kure ma, egata g, roba kt. outcome of induction and associated factors among induced labours in public hospitals of harari regional state, eastern ethiopia: a two years’ retrospective analysis. plos one. 2021 nov 9;16(11):e0259723.

Debele tz, cherkos ea, badi mb, anteneh kt, demssie fw, abdo aa, mihret ms. factors and outcomes associated with the induction of labor in referral hospitals of amhara regional state, ethiopia: a multicenter study. bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2021 dec;21(1):1-8.

Melkie a, addisu d, mekie m, dagnew e. failed induction of labor and its associated factors in ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. heliyon. 2021 mar 1;7(3):e06415.

Enlistment of work falsely matures the cervix and starts uterine compressions in ladies who are not effectively in the process of giving birth, prompting reformist expansion of the cervix to accomplish vaginal birth of a child at any development past the legitimate meaning of fetal viability.fetal fibronectin (ffn) is a glycoprotein present in the amniotic liquid and in the zones between the decidua and the chorion and engaged with the bond of cells present in the extracellular lattice of decidua basalis, contiguous the intervillous space. the point of this investigation was to survey fetal fibronectin as another device for fruitful enlistment of labor in lady going through acceptance of labor. techniques: 100 ladies going through work acceptance in the third trimester of pregnancy among those went to antenatal facility of benha university hospital and benha teaching hospital were contemplated. results: this examination showed that: according to sign of acceptance, post-term pregnancy was the most habitually experienced explanation behind enlistment. acceptance was effective in 72% of the investigation subjects, while 28% of the moms experienced bombed enlistment. there was genuinely huge relationship between fetal fibronectin to the expectation of fruitful work enlistment. a positive fibronectin test had an affectability, explicitness, positive prescient worth, and negative prescient estimation of 90.3%, 57.2%, 84.4%, and 69.5%, separately, for expectation of the acceptance achievement. decision: fetal fibronectin is a decent instrument for effective acceptance of work, and it very well might be abetter device than bishop score evaluation.

Ejigu ag. predicting factors of failed induction of labor in three hospitals of southwest ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2021 dec;21(1):1-0.

Desta m, duguma a. the magnitude of failed induction of labor and associated factors among women delivered at public hospitals of arsi zone, southeast ethiopia, 2020: a cross-sectional study. international journal of general medicine. 2021;14:6021.

Rade bk, mitku ym, weldemicheal ab, zenebe zm, desalegn ay. induction of labor and its determinant factors: retrospective cross-sectional study from a public hospital in ethiopia. j preg child health. 2018;5(388):2.

Abraha th, kasahun ww, fisseha gk. failure of labor induction in tigray region, ethiopia: a retrospective record review study.

Akhtar n. induction of labour audit-fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi. journal of the society of obstetrics and gynaecologists of pakistan. 2016;6(3):129-32.

Dilnessa t, temesgen k, workie a. the proportion of failed induction of labour and associated factors among women undergoing induction of labour in dessie referral hospital: northeast ethiopia a cross-sectional study. asian journal of pregnancy and childbirth. 2019 dec 14:1-3.

Tesemma mg, sori da, gemeda dh. high dose and low dose oxytocin regimens as determinants of successful labor induction: a multicenter comparative study. bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2020 dec;20(1):1-8.

Lueth gd, kebede a, medhanyie aa. prevalence, outcomes and associated factors of labor induction among women delivered at public hospitals of mekelle town-(a hospital based cross sectional study). bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2020 dec;20(1):1-0.

Abdulkadir y, dejene a, geremew ma, dechasa b. induction of labor prevalence and associated factors for its outcome at wolliso st. luke. catholic hospital, south west shewa, oromia. intern med. 2017;7(255):2.

Tarimo cs, mahande mj, obure j. prevalence and risk factors for caesarean delivery following labor induction at a tertiary hospital in north tanzania: a retrospective cohort study (2000–2015). bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2020 dec;20(1):1-8.

Ishola g, ajala ao, ugwa e, alobo g, okoli u, rawlins b, kabue m, oluwatobi a, oniyire a, otolorin e. quality of labour and uncomplicated delivery care: a formative assessment of selected health facilities in ebonyi and kogi states, nigeria. african journal of reproductive health. 2020;24(4):69-81.

Awoyesuku pa, macpepple da, altraide bo, john dh, kwosah nj. pattern of obstetric clinic attendance, deliveries and neonatal outcome at a tertiary hospital during and after a free medical care programme. journal of advances in medicine and medical research. 2020 feb 21:22-31.

Orji cj, chime oh, ndibuagu eo. vaccination status and prevalence of hepatitis b virus infection among health-care workers in a tertiary health institution, enugu state, nigeria. proceedings of singapore healthcare. 2020 jun;29(2):119-25.

Lawson j, mcgill a, meares h, coleman h, riveros c, martin a. wound protectors for improved exposure in open hernia repair. hernia. 2019 dec;23(6):1215-9.
