Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
60 | 61 | 30 | 28 | 44 |
Conference proceedings |
50 | 13 | 0 | 24 | 120 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
759 | 774 | 728 | 597 | 503 |
Journal total citations count | 1841 |
Journal impact factor | 5.14 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.65 |
Journal cite score | 5.88 |
Journal h-index | 21 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 21 |
Important citations (1671)
Enyew mm. willingness to perform induced abortion and associated factors among graduating midwifery, medical, nursing, and public health officer students of university of gondar, northwest ethiopia: institution based cross sectional study. bmc pregnancy and childbirth. 2020 dec;20(1):1-7. |
Shojaeian z, khadivzadeh t, sahebi a, kareshki h, tara f. perceived risk in women with high risk pregnancy: a qualitative study. iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. 2021 mar;26(2):168. |
Azuonwu g, elechi ce, amadi en. preventive behaviours toward breast cancer among women in rivers east senatorial district. asian journal of research in nursing and health. 2021 apr 12:17-22. |
Woldu bf, ermolo tl, lemu lg, gejo ng. long acting reversible contraception use and associated factors among postpartum women in hossana town, southern ethiopia: cross sectional study. |
Jennifer oe, ibrahim r, mat s, jan sa. postpartum contraceptive practice and barriers to its use among mothers from a tertiary hospital in abuja, nigeria. |
Mihretie gn, simegn a, dereje a, gebrehana h, getie a, getnet b, degu a. postpartum modern contraceptive utilization and associated factors among women who gave birth in the last 12 months in addis zemen, south gondar, ethiopia: community-based cross-sectional study. international journal of women's health. 2020;12:1241. |
Jima gh, garbaba wb. postpartum family planning utilization and associated factors among women who gave birth in the last 12 months prior to the study in lode hetosa district, south east ethiopia. j women's health care. 2020;9(488):2167-0420. |
Wakuma b, mosisa g, etafa w, mulisa d, tolossa t, fetensa g, besho m, gebre m, tsegaye r. postpartum modern contraception utilization and its determinants in ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. plos one. 2020 dec 14;15(12):e0243776. |
Abbasi y, shaikh sr, memon kn. barriers and missed opportunities towards immediate and early post-partum family planning methods in pakistan. the professional medical journal. 2020 jul 10;27(07):1448-53. |
Yemane tt, bogale gg, egata g, tefera tk. postpartum family planning use and its determinants among women of the reproductive age group in low-income countries of sub-saharan africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. international journal of reproductive medicine. 2021 aug 20;2021. |
Jaleta dn, yeshita hy, tamirat ks. timely initiation of postpartum contraceptive and associated factors among women of extended postpartum period in pawe district, northwest ethiopia, 2019. |
Belete ga, getu aa, gela gb. utilization and associated factors of modern contraceptives during postpartum period among women who gave birth in the last 12 months in injibara town awi zone, north-west ethiopia 2019. |
Woldu bf, ermolo tl, lemu lg, gejo ng. long-acting reversible contraception utilization and associated factors among women in extended postpartum period in hossana town, southern ethiopia: cross sectional study. contraception and reproductive medicine. 2020 dec;5(1):1-6. |
Mehare t, mekuriaw b, belayneh z, sharew y. postpartum contraceptive use and its determinants in ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. international journal of reproductive medicine. 2020 jan 6;2020. |
Taye eb, mekonen dg, debele tz. prevalence of post partum modern family planning utilization and associated factors among postpartum mothers in debre tabor town, north west ethiopia, 2018. bmc research notes. 2019 dec;12(1):1-7. |
Tadesse aw, chernet w, ahmed o, tadesse w. hiv/aids preventive practice and associated factors among female sex workers in afar region, ethiopia: a community based study. ethiopian journal of health sciences. 2020 jan 1;30(1). |
Woday a, chernet w, ahmed o, tadesse w. hiv/aids preventive practice and associated factors among female sex workers in afar region, ethiopia. ethiopian journal of health sciences. 2020;30(1):45-54. |
Mekonnen r, yosef h, teklegiorgis k. magnitude of substance abuse, its impact on hiv/aids risk behaviors and associated factors among female sex workers in dire dawa administration, eastern ethiopia. j infect dis ther. 2018;6(389):2332-0877. |
Vynohradova k, gavrylyuk v, khlopova o, pohorielova a, sklyar t, sokolova i. monitoring of the distribution of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms-causes of infectious processes of urogenital cystitis system of patients. |
Musa sa, magzoub m, alhassan as, hammad nm. prevalence of candida spp. isolated from urine samples of pregnant women from kassala state, sudan. american journal of microbiological research. 2020 jun 17;8(3):79-82. |