Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420


Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 61 30 28 44

Year wise citations received

759 774 728 597 503
Journal total citations count 1841
Journal impact factor 5.14
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.65
Journal cite score 5.88
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Important citations (1671)

Surla gn, hebbar a, kumar v, nayan v, vedamurthy vg, singh d, onteru sk. validation of salivary ferning based estrus identification method in a large population of water buffaloes (bubalus bubalis) using foldscope. reproductive biology. 2021 1;21(3):100528.

Priya bs, pushpaja m, maruthy kn. does the salivary fern pattern determine fertile period in reproductive female?. clinical epidemiology and global health. 2020 s1;8(3):698-701.

Patel dk, prajapati dg. study the accuracy of salivary ferning test as a predictor of ovulation. international journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology. 2018 1;7(7):2699-706.

Su hw, yi yc, wei ty, chang tc, cheng cm. detection of ovulation, a review of currently available methods. bioengineering & translational medicine. 2017 ;2(3):238-46.

Leo vd, benvenuti c. pharmacological, microbiological and clinical activity of feminine intimate cleansers based on plant extracts active principles (saugella line). j women’s health care. 2015;4(244):2167-0420.

Sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences.

Sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences.

Sihaloho ed, habibie i, kamilah fz, christiani y. health system cost of post-abortion care (pac): a systematic review.

Movahed ms, barghazan sh, askari f, zozani ma. the economic burden of abortion and its complication treatment cares: a systematic review. journal of family & reproductive health. 2020 ;14(2):60.

Redmond-sovie mm. the impact of regional and international law on domestic abortion law: a case study of sierra leone (doctoral dissertation, northeastern university).

Sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences.

Adjei mr, asante kp, baafi jv, letsa ts. comprehensive abortion care in the tain district of ghana: an analysis of dhims2 data for 2010-2016. ghana medical journal. 2018 28;52(4):189-95.

Berghs m, gabba ae, nyandemo se, dyson s, fadlu-deen g, tregson-roberts g. we di woman den, na we di suffer. de montfort university; 2019 jun 19.

Mori at, binyaruka p, hangoma p, robberstad b, sandoy i. patient and health system costs of managing pregnancy and birth-related complications in sub-saharan africa: a systematic review. health economics review. 2020 ;10(1):1-5.

Denney l, gordon r, kamara a, lebby p. change the context not the girls: a critical analysis of efforts to reduce teenage pregnancy in sierra leone. journal of research in gender studies. 2017;7(1):11.

Legardy-williams, j.k., carter, r.j., goldstein, s.t., jarrett, o.d., szefer, e., fombah, a.e., tinker, s.c., samai, m. and mahon, b.e., 2020. pregnancy outcomes among women receiving rvsv?-zebov-gp ebola vaccine during the sierra leone trial to introduce a vaccine against ebola. emerging infectious diseases, 26(3), p.541.

Benson j, gebreselassie h, mañibo ma, raisanen k, johnston hb, mhango c, levandowski ba. costs of postabortion care in public sector health facilities in malawi: a cross-sectional survey. bmc health services research. 2015 ;15(1):1-7.

Adeyemo aa, bello oo. preconception care: what women know, think and do. african journal of medical and health sciences. 2021 28;20(2):18-26.

Kamarapu p. epidemiology: open access. trials. 2016;45:51.

Singh hk, pathmawathi s, chong mc, soe t. research & reviews: journal of nursing & health sciences.
