Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
60 | 61 | 30 | 28 | 44 |
Conference proceedings |
50 | 13 | 0 | 24 | 120 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
759 | 774 | 728 | 597 | 503 |
Journal total citations count | 1841 |
Journal impact factor | 5.14 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.65 |
Journal cite score | 5.88 |
Journal h-index | 21 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 21 |
Important citations (1671)
desai sa, kroumpouzos g, sadick n. vaginal rejuvenation: from scalpel to wands. international journal of women's dermatology. 2019 jun 1;5(2):79-84. |
nouroozi as, alyasin a, mohammadi am, mehrdad n, mousavi sa, vaezi m, gharib a, ghavamzadeh a, mohammadi s. autologous platelet-released growth factor and sexual dysfunction amendment: a pilot clinical trial of successful improvement sexual dysfunction after pelvic irradiation. asian pacific journal of cancer prevention. 2019 mar 26;20(3):817-23. |
kaur kk, allahbadia g, singh m. autologous platelet rich plasma (prp): a possibility of becoming a revolutionary therapy in the field of gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility-a systematic review. progress in women's health care. 2019;1(1):1-3. |
sanoulis v, nikolettos n, vlahos n. the use of platelet-rich plasma in the gynaecological clinical setting. a review. |
sharp g, maynard p, hamori ca, oates j, sarwer db, kulkarni j. measuring quality of life in female genital cosmetic procedure patients: a systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures. aesthetic surgery journal. 2019 nov 13. |
lakhani s. vulvar rejuvenation: exploring common presentations and treatment options. journal of aesthetic nursing. 2016 may 2;5(4):176-80. |
dawood as, salem ha. alternative formats. |
sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences. |
squibb l, sand m, goldstein i. 022 predictors and moderators of sexual distress in women with persistent genital arousal disorder. the journal of sexual medicine. 2018 jun 1;15(6):s106-7. |
bakhtiyarov kr, khizhnyakov vt, belogubova sy, kazakova da. im sechenov first moscow state medical university (sechenov university), ministry of health of russia, moscow, russia. |
seifeldin a. genital reconstructive surgery after female genital mutilation. obstet gynecol int j. 2016;4(6):00129. |
güneÅŸ a, alinsod rm. a mini-review of aesthetic gynecology and leading gynecology associations’ approaches to this issue. turkish journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2018 jun;15(2):105. |
neto jb. o-shot: platelet rich plasma in intimate female treatment. j women’s health care. 2017;6:395. |
dawood as, salem ha. current clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in various gynecological disorders: an appraisal of theory and practice. clinical and experimental reproductive medicine. 2018 jun 1;45(2):67-74. |
farmer m, yoon h, goldstein i. future targets for female sexual dysfunction. the journal of sexual medicine. 2016 aug 1;13(8):1147-65. |
alinsod rm. transcutaneous temperature controlled radiofrequency for orgasmic dysfunction. lasers in surgery and medicine. 2016 sep;48(7):641-5. |
sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences. |
sandhya sree m. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences. |
bijili kk, voleti sk. research & reviews: journal of medical and health sciences. |
mbarambara pm, kingombe cz, mututa pm, bisangamo ck. déterminants de l'utilisation des contraceptifs par les femmes à l'hôpital général de référence de bagira, en république démocratique du congo [determinants of contraceptive use among women in general hospital of referral bagira, democratic republic of congo]. international journal of innovation and applied studies. 2016 may 1;16(1):63. |