Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
60 | 61 | 30 | 28 | 44 |
Conference proceedings |
50 | 13 | 0 | 24 | 120 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
759 | 774 | 728 | 597 | 503 |
Journal total citations count | 1841 |
Journal impact factor | 5.14 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.65 |
Journal cite score | 5.88 |
Journal h-index | 21 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 21 |
Important citations (1671)
abdillahi ha. the study of knowledge, attitude and prevention of medical abortion among female patient attending general hospital in erigavo somaliland. by. |
damota md. prevalence and associated psychological effects of induced unsafe abortion. j health sci stud. 2019;1(1):103. |
dhar g. knowledge, attitude and associated factors towards safe abortion among female students of kebribayah town of somali region, ethiopia. |
birhanu a. the interface between the lived experience of women practicing abortion and attitude of the community towards abortion in a sociocultural context: the case of woldia town, north wollo zone, amhara national regional state (doctoral dissertation, addis ababa university). |
rodiani r, khairun nb. perbandingan efektivitas pemasangan alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim (akdr) pasca persalinan dan masa interval. medula, medicalprofession journal of lampung university. 2019 feb 1;8(2):126-31. |
duncan r, anderson l, pickering n. closing the gap between need and uptake: a case for proactive contraception provision to adolescents. asian bioethics review. 2019 mar 31;11(1):95-109. |
peddinti s. a review on polycystic ovary syndrome-in usa. j nurs health sci| volume. 2017 jan;3(1). |
duncan r, paterson h, anderson l, pickering n. a qualitative analysis of adolescents’ opinions of proactive long-acting reversible contraceptive (larc) provision. new zealand medical journal. 2019 jan 18;132:1488. |
apter d. international perspectives: iuds and adolescents. journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology. 2019 sep 1;32(5):s36-42. |
erickson ak, nelson da, shaw jg, loftus pd, kurina lm, shaw ka. long-acting reversible contraceptive placement among active-duty us army servicewomen. obstetrics & gynecology. 2017 may 1;129(5):800-9. |
alemayehu m, medhanyie aa, mulugeta a. a review of evidence on barriers to and facilitators of the utilization of reproductive, maternal and neonatal health services among pastoralist communities in sub-saharan africa. the ethiopian journal of health development (ejhd). 2018 nov 19;32(special is). |
van der land aj, medhanyie aa, spigt m, beumer c, alemayehu m, berhanu k, sinke ah, lemango et, mulugeta a. socio-cultural perceptions that influence the choice of where to give birth among women in pastoralist communities of afar region, ethiopia: a qualitative study using the health belief model. the ethiopian journal of health development (ejhd). 2018 nov 19;32(special is). |
lestari ir. gambaran tingkat pengetahuan pus tentang kb implant di puskesmas wirobrajan, kota yogyakarta (doctoral dissertation, kebidanan). |
caudillo-ortega l, benavides-torres ra, valdez-montero c, flores arias ml, hernández-ramos mt. modelo de conducta anticonceptiva en mujeres jóvenes: teoría de situación específica. index de enfermería. 2018 jun;27(1-2):52-6. |
dampha i, jasseh m, sey-sawo j. nursing & clinical practices. |
sey-sawo j, tunkara-bah h. jadelle implant acceptance amongst women in western health region 1, the gambia. international journal of africa nursing sciences. 2018 jan 1;9:38-41. |
dery sk, kaufmann ee, marzano d, deininger m, assem ck, sienko kh. design and evaluation of a subcutaneous contraceptive implant training simulator. international journal of gynecology & obstetrics. 2019 jun 26. |
dampha i, jasseh m, sey-sawo j. perceptions and acceptance of levonorgestrel implants among family planning clients within greater banjul area, the gambia. international journal of nursing & clinical practices. 2018 sep 5;2018. |
moodley a, mahomed o. prevalence and predictors of implanon uptake in ugu (ugu north sub district) 2016/17. south african family practice. 2019 apr 5;61(2):48-52. |
aminu mb, dattijo lm, shehu am, kadas sa, chama cm. factors responsible for discontinuation of long-term reversible contraceptives in a tertiary facility in northeastern nigeria. port harcourt medical journal. 2019 may 1;13(2):67. |