Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Journal of Women's Health Care : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Women's Health Care has got h-index 21, which means every article in Journal of Women's Health Care has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Women's Health Care.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

60 61 30 28 44

Conference proceedings

50 13 0 24 120

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

759 774 728 597 503
Journal total citations count 1841
Journal impact factor 5.14
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.65
Journal cite score 5.88
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2019 21
Important citations (1671)

black sw, kaminsky g, hudson a, owen j, fincham f. a short-term longitudinal investigation of hookups and holistic outcomes among college students. archives of sexual behavior. 2019 jan 1:1-7.

jakobsson m, josefsson k, högberg k. reasons for sleeping difficulties as perceived by adolescents: a content analysis. scandinavian journal of caring sciences. 2019 sep 5.

broxon d. " i'm always going to feel this way": overgeneral memory and hopelessness in depressed emerging adults (doctoral dissertation, case western reserve university).

wall n. student nurses’ perception of sleep quality.

xu f, adams sk, cohen sa, earp je, greaney ml. relationship between physical activity, screen time, and sleep quantity and quality in us adolescents aged 16–19. international journal of environmental research and public health. 2019 jan;16(9):1524.

tavernier r, hill gc, adrien tv. be well, sleep well: an examination of directionality between basic psychological needs and subjective sleep among emerging adults at university. sleep health. 2019 apr 10.

sorensen m. sleep deprivation: a mixed methods analysis of cardiovascular risk, sleep perceptions, and sleep behaviors among college students.

russo ve. correlations of the fear of missing out & interpersonal stress with female college students’sleep.

qutishat m, sharour la. relationship between fear of missing out and academic performance among omani university students: a descriptive correlation study. oman medical journal. 2019 sep;34(5):404.

can g, satici sa. adaptation of fear of missing out scale (fomos): turkish version validity and reliability study. psicologia: reflexão e crítica. 2019 dec 1;32(1):3.

bauducco s. adolescents' sleep in a 24/7 society: epidemiology and prevention (doctoral dissertation, örebro university).

poole f. an exploration of how teenagers' electronic and social media use impacts wider areas of their lives (doctoral dissertation, newcastle university).

yau jc, sun bt, moreno jd. addicting content, blue light, and curtailed sleep: the abcs of social media use and sleep. inthe psychology and dynamics behind social media interactions 2020 (pp. 211-240). igi global.

etgar r, tamir e. are millennial students better equipped to overcome choice bias?. international journal of adolescence and youth. 2019 aug 24:1-9.

rogers ap, barber lk. addressing fomo and telepressure among university students: could a technology intervention help with social media use and sleep disruption?. computers in human behavior. 2019 apr 1;93:192-9.

ogilvie h. student narratives of drinking and transition to university (doctoral dissertation, manchester metropolitan university).

casale s, fioravanti g. factor structure and psychometric properties of the italian version of the fear of missing out scale in emerging adults and adolescents. addictive behaviors. 2020 mar 1;102:106179.

peddinti s. a review on polycystic ovary syndrome-in usa. j nurs health sci| volume. 2017 jan;3(1).

jupowicz-ginalska a, jasiewicz j, kisilowska m, baran t, wysocki a. fomo. polacy a lęk przed odłączeniem-raport z badań. warszawa: wydział dziennikarstwa informacji i bibliologii uw. 2018.

reer f, tang wy, quandt t. psychosocial well-being and social media engagement: the mediating roles of social comparison orientation and fear of missing out. new media & society. 2019:1461444818823719.
